The Empire Strikes Back
As the IPO market heats up with the usual technology, healthcare and consumer company players, an unusual pending deal will impact the New York skyline as well–the Empire State Building.
Last week, it was reported that at least 80 percent of the investors of Malkin HoldingsLLC, Peter Malkin’s company that owns the Empire State Building, approved a plan to take the historical New York City skyline tower public.
Malkin’s plan involves lumping in the Empire State Building into a newly created real estate investment trust (REIT), the Empire State Realty Trust Inc. The REIT is estimated to be valued at approximately $4.15 billion, more than a billion over the $2.33 billion that the building alone is valued at after debt. Through this plan, investors will be able to cash out, and Malkin will be able to stay in control.
Empire State Building Photo Credit:
With its complicated ownership history, the 82-year-old, 102-story Empire State Building certainly will be the centerpiece of the new REIT, which in total will have more than 18 properties. Should the IPO go through, Malkin’s share is calculated to be worth as much as $714 million. Investors would also see flexibility and have more access to their capital, making this IPO quite attractive.
It is very rare that any deal of this magnitude will please all parties. While the advantages of taking the Empire State Building public appear at first glance to outweigh the disadvantages, at least for top investors and the Malkins, it remains to be seen if this deal proves to be more profitable than costly. How the Malkins approach IR will also be interesting to watch. Such a high-profile building is likely to attract a significant retail following, and telling the REIT’s story to investors might be the biggest challenge yet for the Malkins, especially when all of Manhattan is already watching your biggest asset.
— Joanne Sibug,
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